Good Jobs First has launched a new Recovery Act
as part of the creation of States for a Transparent and Accountable Recovery (STAR), a new network promoting state and local activism to ensure the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) is transparent, accountable, fair and effective.
The STAR Coalition includes national organizing networks such as the Apollo Alliance, Center for Community Change, Common Cause, National People's Action, Progressive States Network, Transportation Equity Network, Partnership for Working Families, Smart Growth America and U.S. PIRG as well as many of their state and local affiliates. The STAR Coalition collaborates with and shares members with the
Coalition for an Accountable Recovery
, which is working at the federal level to promote ARRA transparency and accountability.
The new STAR Coalition website includes the
Recovery Act Info Center
, a deep resource for activists and journalists alike.
each state plus DC
, web pages contain:
- An evaluation of the state's Recovery Act website, especially with regard to disclosure of contractor information.
- Details on Recovery Act oversight policies and structures.
- A synopsis of policy debates on ARRA issues occurring in the state.
- Key data such as total ARRA funding the state is expected to receive.
- Listings of watchdog organizations, their ARRA publications, and other resources.
In many states, these watchdog groups will help expand and update the state pages.
The site also includes:
Transparency Players
: a review of ARRA transparency issues, including a rundown of players in the Administration, Congress, and non-profits shaping policy.
Money and Policy
: a description of national ARRA funding streams-plus policy debates-in key areas such as transportation, energy, education and unemployment compensation.
Weblinks and Bibliography
: an extensive collection of ARRA weblinks and resources, including obscure items such as unpublished Congressional Research Service reports.
City Websites
: an overview of ARRA websites launched by the nation's largest cities.
The STAR website will be expanded throughout 2009 and 2010 as new data becomes available from the federal government. Currently, only a handful of states have any reporting data on their recovery websites.