
We provide a unique set of databases covering two areas: government financial incentives for business and corporate misconduct. The tools listed below contain nearly three million records in total, drawn from federal, state, and local government sources.

Use this tool to learn about regulatory penalties, successful prosecutions, and class-action lawsuit settlements or awards imposed on corporations large and small. Violation Tracker combines records from more than 450 federal, state, and local agencies and courts. 

Use this tool to identify those incentive awards given to a specific company, or look up all the awards given in a specific geographic area. Subsidy Tracker contains more than 670,000 entries from over 1,400 programs.

Use this tool to identify the aggregate amount of tax revenue lost by states and localities—including school districts—due to tax breaks awarded to companies, ostensibly to promote economic development. Tax Break Tracker assembles that information for over 4,000 jurisdictions across the country. 

Use this tool to see our running list of the subsidy awards given to one of the country’s fastest-growing and most controversial corporations.

Use this tool to learn about a wide range of regulatory penalties imposed on large corporations in 45 countries in both the Global North and Global South. Violation Tracker Global contains subsets of the data in the U.S. and UK versions of the database.

Use this tool to learn about regulatory misconduct cases in the United Kingdom. It contains cases brought by over 40 regulatory agencies.