24/7 Wall Street: 15 Massive Companies That Have Received Billions From The Government
24/7 Wall Street used Subsidy Tracker to show much public support companies have received from taxpayers in the name of economic development.
“There are few things that can unite the average American more than struggling to make ends meet while hearing that multi-billion-dollar corporations are receiving generous amounts of government handouts.
It is frustrating to hear about how much money the government gives out to massive companies while those same companies pay obscene executive salaries, make multiple stock buybacks every year, and fire thousands of employees, all while some pay little to no taxes on their resulting profits.
But what companies are the biggest offenders? Which of the biggest companies in America are suckling at the teat of government generosity and benefiting from the efforts of their well-paid lobbyists and corrupted elected officials? Here we will look into 15 of the biggest companies that have received at least three billion dollars from the United States government.”
Read the full story at 24/7 Wall Street.