The cost of Micron: What you paid, and the early returns

September 17, 2023

CNY Central: The cost of Micron: What you paid, and the early returns

“New York State is offering Micron one of the largest state subsidy deals in U.S. history; despite the risks involved and less than spotless precedent set by state government providing big-ticket deals to companies, early investment and movement from the company suggests that Micron’s promises will come through.”

Good Jobs First Researcher Jacob Whiton told CNY the risks to spending billions on one project were high:

“The research on this is very consistent; overwhelmingly, the majority of companies that receive state and local incentives would have made the same choice about where to invest regardless of whether or not they received the incentive” …

The story continued:

“While Micron officials have continued to emphasize the importance of the cash incentives for the project to work, they have also stated that Central New York was an ideal place for them to set up shop. Mehrotra and others have discussed the available local workforce, quality of life, access to higher education institutions, and the White Pine Commerce Park, the actual site for the chip fabs itself. White Pine stands out; touted by Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon as the only shovel-ready site in the country that can offer a high volume of clean water and electricity.”

Read the full story at CNY Central.